Janice Jones Holistic Therapist Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Reiki, and Reflexology Lymph Drainage

Janice Jones MFHT (Member of The Federation of Holistic Therapists)

I have been interested in holistic therapies for over 16 years and taking a natural approach to looking after my own general health and wellbeing. I indulge myself by having regular treatments, so I know the wonderful benefits they can bring to help keep the body in balance. I was drawn to study three ancient therapies that are completely different from each other but each bringing their individual advantages. I have gained qualifications in Indian Head Massage VTCT level 3 Diploma, Reiki 1, 2 & 3 to become a Reiki Master Practitioner and Reflexology VTCT level 3 Practitioners Diploma.

My holistic practice was born from my passion for promoting a more natural approach to supporting general health and improving wellbeing through holistic treatments. It is my intention that after your treatment you are left feeling refreshed, de-stressed and feeling much calmer. Some people may need a few sessions to fully feel the benefits of holistic therapies and maintain their wellbeing.

Through COVID-19 I gained a Certificate for Infection Prevention and Control. This is to reassure my clients I am undertaking good hygiene and risk assessment procedures.

As a therapist, I am fully committed to Continued Professional Development (CPD) and I engage in a period of study to enhance my skills and knowledge to maintain my registration and insurance with the FHT.

Advanced Courses in Reflexology and Reiki.

In 2022 I gained Level 2 Certificates for Complimentary Therapies in Cancer Care for Reiki and Reflexology. Complimentary therapies treat the whole person not the illness. I have learnt how to work with the client to be adaptable and flexible while providing a gentle and shorter therapy. Cancer diagnosis can bring on physical, emotional and mental challenges. Reiki and Reflexology can help with side effects like pain, anxiety and sickness that cancer treatment can cause. These therapies can promote relaxation helping people feel better in their overall wellbeing. People starting,undergoing or just finishing Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy will need permission from their Oncologist Consultant before receiving a treatment to make sure there is no objection to the therapy. 

Completed a Reflexology Lymph Drainage certificate in July 202, with the founder of this therapy Sally Kay, making me an approved RLD practitioner.

Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD) is a specialist type of reflexology which focuses on stimulating the lymphatic reflexes on the FEET. It is a gentle and relaxing technique following the lymphatic system anatomically to help reduce swelling and pain while promoting circulation. This therapy may be beneficial for people who suffer a chronic condition helping with drainage of waste and toxins, while assisting the immune system to function more efficiently because it is part of the lymphatic system.


I completed a practitioners diploma on The Vagus Nerve. (May 2024)

The Vagus Nerve is part of our immune system, stress is a cause of many illnesses in today's society so a weak vagus nerve means the body is not working properly.  When the body is stressed it goes into the sympathetic system 'flight & fight', it releases cortisol, slows digestion, reduces blood flow and increases blood pressure and the heart rate.

The vagus nerve is important as we age to healing and maintaining our body's health, to our physical and psychological wellbeing. To aid many systems in our body and balance our emotions.

I completed a practitioners diploma in Mindfulness. (August 2024)

Mindfulness is about being in the present moment not the past or future. Calming the mind when responding to situations/people while acknowledging our feelings and thoughts so we can make better choices. It is being non judgemental showing more conscious awarness to ourselves and others without getting over whelmed, 

Being mindful releases happy chemicals in the brain, gaining short termed relief from stress, anixety, tension, lowers pain and blood pressure, beneifits circulation as well as  increasing energy and self motivation.

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